Rodger had babysat for me on the weekends because my mom had began working for a large car dealership in the area.I had always enjoyed when Rodger had babysat for me because I had known that had meant that I had been allowed to go as far from the house as I had wantted.If I had not felt like going outside I could just sit in front of the living room T.V. and play NENTENDO, I had known that rodger had always stayed outside working on his Trans Am.I had very few memories of actually playing the system with him because he had a bad habit of throwing the controller against the wall and my mom had made it a rule, I had to sit there and let him win against me whenever we had played. One day I had just started playing Mario Bros. when the neigheor lady had came over to see him and he had told me to go outside and play. I had hopped on my bike and deicided that I would see how far that I could ride in an area that we had driven past often in the car.I had been ridden for what had seemed like hours and I had not yet reached the point that I had been aiming to get to when, I had seen a group of children playing guns and I had asked them if I could joy in.While I had been playing with the kids, I had noticed that it had been beganning to get dark and I had known that mom had to be getting off work soon. I had began the long bike ride back to the house and had been stopped by the cops and told that my mom had been looking for me.At that point the cops had loaded my bike in the truck and then had me ride in the back of the car until we had made it to the house.I had never riden in a cop car before so that had been pretty exciting but had been over shadowed by the fear that I had at wondering how pissed off my mom had been at me.I had known that I had never been allowed to leave the block but she had not been home, I had taken long bike rides numerous times and had always made it home brfore she had. This had however been the longest ride that I had ever taken, she had pulled me out of the backseat of the cop car before they had even turned off the engine.She had walked me into the house while she had been holding on to my left arm and smacking my ass hard with every step that it had taken to get me into the house.I had heard the cops laughing at me while I had been taken into the house and on top of the embarrassment I had suffered, my bike had been locked into the closet on the carport.I had been unable to my bike for a few months and had worried that I might forget how to ride the damn thing again whenever I had been allowed to have it back. My mom had decided that the weekends of Rodger watching me had ended. I WANT THE READER TO KNOW THAT IT HAD EITHER BEEN THE SUMMER OF 2ND GRADE OR IT COULD HAVE BEEN THE SUMMER OF 3RD GRADE, I WANT TO WRITE THAT IT MAY BE THE LATTER OF THE TWO BUT I AM NOT SURE.I had been taken to a building where my mom had told me that I would be taken to every morning and she would come and pick me up when she had gotten off work in the evening. Sitting in the waiting room with my mom, the first thing that I can remember noticing had been how many keys the people that had worked there had clipped to the belt loops of their pants.I had watched a few of them enter thru one of the big doors that had been in the waiting room, each person had to unlock the door with one of the keys.I had soon found out that every door in the building had to be unlocked each time that someone had wanted to open the door. The building had not been at all like a jail as there were many every day items in each room, I had found out that most of the other kids in there had been from the detention center that had been across the street.The building had a counselor that all of the people in there had to see at least once a week, I had not minded because she had given me points for my good behavior and it had not been long before I had enough points to get a prize. The oldest kid in there might have been around the age of 14 or so and one day he had went into a rage and destroyed a model car that I just gotten as my prize from the counselor. When you are younger it is weird to think back on a situation only to realize that the kid you had thought to be so much older at the time, turned out to be just a few years older than you had been.I remember how one of the staff had yanked me out of that room until he finished thowing stuff around.I had approched him afterwards and told him that he had torn up my model and I remember how he had asked me what I had planned on doing about it. He had been so much taller that I and I had been frightened by the way he had been sizing me up but, I had kneed him in the nuts and then took off running.The two of us had became friends after that point as he had taught me how to hotwire older model cars because that was from what I could gather, why he had been there.I can remember hanging out with a boy that had been younger than I, he had heard voices that had told him to light stuff on fire.There had been a few other kids there but I had only associated with a few people and I can remember when she had arrived, she would allow all of us to touch her and look at her when no adult had been in the room.She had been a 13 years old girl who had obviously had a hard life but, she had an awesome sense of humer and as it had turned out we both had liked the movie SHORT CIRCUIT.My new freinds and I had soon spent numoerous days plotting an esacpe, we had never went throught with it and honestly had never even talked about where we would go or escape to. None of us had spent the night in that building as we all had been sent are separate ways in the evening, what can I say but we had been young and had seen the challenge of a locked door.
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