It had been the weekend and I had been excited about the ending of the school year, I had only few weeks to go and then I would be on summer break and then be at the high school to start 9th grade. I was home alone and doing the dishes because it had been a chore of mine and It had been the middle of the afternoon and my dog had been asleep right by my feet. I hated to do the dishes and my mom had known it, instead of the chore being rotated between me and my sister it had became solely my job. I especially hated to wash the silverware cause I could never get the damn forks fully clean, Don't you hate that? Anyway, my mom would fully inspect everything and if there were too many dirty things, she would empty every dish out of the damn cupboard and make me wash them all. This would piss me off because then I would be washing dishes for hours, even today in my place I wait to do the dishes until I absolutely have to. I used to just buy more plastic dixie cups and plates but that became to expensive. When I had done the dishes as a kid I had my own system, I would fill the sink with very sudsy water and then I would throw in all the non-sharp silverware. I would leave the silverware in there and start washing the plates and left the washed plates pile in the other sink, then I had put the remaining dirty plates and bowls on top of the soaking silverware. Just hang in there, it is going to get interesting... I could not use really hot water because my reflexes had not allow it, (my hands would jerk back fast because the hot liquid would hurt my hand.) (It still has that effect today with hotter liquids.) So I had been in a bit of a hurry to get the dishes done before the water had gotten cold and was moving around kinda fast, I had not been watching my footing and tripped over the dog. I fell on my stomach and slammed my forehead against the floor, I did not move an inch until the noise in my head quieted and I could hear again. Then I took inventory of the muscle movements to see if anything had been broken or had became disconnected and everything felt fine so, I had rolled over. I had felt my right foot tingle as I had rolled over and then it had went numb, I had been on my back and my foot felt like your arm does when you have slept on it all night, when I had looked down at my foot I had seen that my ankle had been flat against the floor and my foot had been aimed to the right. I had breathed a sigh of relief because my right foot had not been pointing to the left. I had on a pair of socks so when I had wiggled my toes I should not have had a problem seeing them move but they had not. no matter how hard I had tried. I could not move the toes on my right foot, I had tried to move the foot itself and it had not moved. At that point, I had been more curious than scared because I had not felt any pain. I had been on the kitchen floor for at least 10 min and had been ready to get up. I had again tried to move the right foot and my calf muscle had been bulging from the effort, still the numbness and still the foot refused to move. I had reached down with my right hand and wrapped it around the calf and pulled my leg upright with my hand, The numbness had been immediately erased by a very sharp and constant pain. (Thinking back, I could not pinpoint the exact location of the pain without knowing both the numbness stoppage and the visual confirmation.) My pajama pant had became wet around the spot just below and in front of the calf of my right leg. I remember screaming out in pain hoping that God would come help me, he didn't. I had felt my eyes trying to roll up in my head and try to see my brain, the pain. My hand had still been behind the calf, holding my leg up and I had seen that my foot had been hanging down and at a weird angle and swinging limply right and left from the vibrations of my screams. The back of my head had hit the kitchen floor with a thump. Had I passed out? I had not known because I had been trying to raise the pajama pant leg up to see the wet spot on the front of my lower leg. (What the hell had I been doing? Maybe I had been curious, I don't know.) The pain had been increasing with every tug at the pant leg. Here comes the nasty part but first let me ask you, have you every been eating out of a small can of peanuts and put your mouth in the can itself and smelled the can, more towards the bottom ? That smell had seemed to fill my nostrils and when I had slid the entire pant leg up far enough to reveal the area that had made my pant wet I had seen a purple bubble containing various veins and trying to protrude from that bubble was later found out to have been my Tibia bone. I had looked away in disgust but the image had been burnt in my brain. The kitchen phone had been high up on the wall and out of my reach I had began clawing the floor with my left hand so that I could slide on my butt while pulling myself into the living room. I had still been holding my foot with my right hand and was feeling the pain even more when I had been moving. (At 27 I can say that I had feared no man, I fear snakes and spiders and the feeling of being helpless.) Crawling to the phone left me to simmer in that state. When I had reached the phone to call my mom and tell her that I had fallen and had been hurt bad, I had laid my head on the carpet as the dog had been looking at me while she had been hiding under the chair. I had closed my eyes as I had Heard approaching sirens. I had remembered the painful ride in the ambulance as it had seemed to hit every bump with my leg feeling it all. When I had gotten to the hospital I had been put to sleep and operated on and the bone was re-attached.

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