I had never liked to eat in front of the other kids all through school and when I had began at Milton High I was allowed to eat my lunch in a class room that had been in the cafeteria. My aide would take in my lunch tray so that I had not had to worry about spilling it all over the floor. One day a girl that had been going out with my friend David had seen me going into the classroom and had came in, she had asked me why I had always gone into the empty classroom at lunch so I had told her. I had really liked that girl and had remembered how she had came over to my house with David and would lay on my bed, I had always wanted to jump on to the bed with her whenever my friend had left the room. I am going to be honest and right that I had still been a virgin at that time and had not quite been able to say what I would have done with her once on my bed, she had been going out with my friend so I do not think I would have done anything as I had not anyway. She had began to come into the room often when I had gone in there to eat my aide had told the girl that she had to leave the room one day. I remember how angry I had been at my aide who had been in her mid 20's and should have understood my mood around that girl, I had told her not to worry about the girl as she had not been bothering me. I CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT THE HELL I HAD SAID TO THE AIDE THAT DAY BUT IT HAD NOT BEEN WHAT SHE HAD TOLD THE PRINCIPAL. THE PRINCIPAL HAD IMMEDIATELY CAME DOWN TO THE ROOM THAT I HAD BEEN IN AND ESCORTED ME TO HER OFFICE WHERE I FOUND OUT THAT I HAD THREATENED TO KILL MY AIDE. The principal had not liked my mom or me very much and quickly decided that I was to leave the school grounds and when my mom had gotten to the school to pick me up, she had handled it better than I thought she would. I had been very upset at my aide because I had not said anything close to what she had said and I had never been suspended FROM school. I had of course been grounded from watching television or playing my PLAY STATION and before I had been allowed to return back to school I had to attend a meeting. A few of my teachers and the principal as well as the Guidance Counselor had been in a room waiting on my mom and I to enter. I had not been expecting to run into anything like that meeting when I had been allowed to come back to the school. I had been told by the principal that the teachers in the room with me had decided that I had not taken my education seriously and was robbing the other students of an education, I had then been told that they had all thought that I was better off just dropping out. I HAD BEEN DOING JUST ENOUGH OF MY SCHOOL WORK TO PULL OFF D'S AND C'S AND I HAD NOT BEEN EXPECTING TO GET PASSED ON TO ANOTHER GRADE LIKE THEY HAD DONE BETWEEN 4TH THROUGH THE 8TH GRADE . I did not think those idiots had any right to decide my future for me but my mom had assured me that I would still get my GED so, I could still attend courses at college and be able to get a job on the radio. I told the principal as well as the others in the room that I was staying in school and would graduate on time in 2000 and I remember the principal looking at me like I had just shit in her coffee. I had then been told that if I had ever threaten another of her staff I would be expelled indefinitely.

I was then told that I would be allowed to come back the next day as the school day had almost ended. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT SOMETHING HAD BEEN UP AS I HAD NOT EVEN BEEN ALLOWED BACK THAT DAY UNTIL WELL AFTER LUNCH TIME.
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