I had not lived in the apartment for very long when Alley had decided that she was going to let me have a cat that one of her client's was trying to get rid of. The apartment was an efficiency meaning that the kitchen sink, fridge and stove had been in the same room as the couch. I had a small bathroom and a medium sized bedroom. My apartment was one of three that was in the basement of an old church and I did not have air conditioning. The cat had long black fur and it had gotten to the point where every dish that I had pulled out of the cupboard had black cat hair on it.EDITING I had not yet met the tenants but knew that a young woman was in one apartment and a young and mentally slow couple lived in the other apartment. When I would get my keys out to unlock my door, I would here a door open to one of the apartments and then it would quickly slam shut. ( This happened often and at times it was kinda creepy.) One day I was chillen with a friend and I had gotten a plate out of the covered and noticed that it had a big cat hair on it. I had been hit with a bright idea and when I ran the idea by my friend he agreed. (He had never shaved a cat before either and we both though that it would be a fun experience.) I did not have any hair clippers, so I went over to the couple's apartment and knocked on the door. I knew that they might have a pair because the guy always wore his hair with a buzz cut style. They did have a pair but they had been reluctant to loan the clippers to me when I had told them that I wanted to shave all the black hair on my pussy. I told them not to worry cause she was not going to complain it was hot in my apartment. At that point the guy had wanted to come over and watch but his girl was not going to let him. I had apologized and told them that I was only joking and that I was going to use the clipper to shave my cat. The cat hair was not only an inconvenience for me, it was hot in my apartment so it had to be miserable for the cat. She was scared by the noise of the clipper at first but soon fell asleep in my friend's arms while I shaved her. I did not touch her whiskers cause I did not want to harm her balance. I did not shave her bald either, but I did shave a lot of her hair off and I gave her a mo hawk. I did not shave to much of her belly either cause I was afraid of cutting one of her teats and hurting her. There had been a hard knock on the door and I told them to come on in ,I did not know who it was till I heard the neighbor speak through my still closed front door. This had happened when I was 19 going on 20 so, as I recollect I can't honestly remember word for word. His tone had been demanding in wanting to know if I had been hurting the cat. First off, I don't know you and you don't have a badge or authority and you approach me with a demanding tone ? I respond to that with wanting to know who the hell are you, you know?
I hollered out in a panic tone something like I could not stop the bleeding! The cat had been not moving. I heard his shoes patter against the hallway floor as he quickly went back to his apartment and slammed the door.
During that time I was young and I was also upset, but that is not an excuse. The couple had not been noticeably slow in the head but when I went over to borrow the clipper's I got the impression that they both were a little younger than I, even though they both physically looked older. (they were older)
Not even 10 minutes later there had been another knock on the door. I had thought that it was one or both of the neighbors again and they were back to check on the cat. I don't remember what I had yelled out but I know me, it was a smart assed comment that was probably about killing the cat.
I remember that the knock was repeated and the knock was followed by a gruff voice that told me that it had been the Police. I remember looking wide-eyed at my friend who had returned the same or very similar look. He tossed the cat (not really) and quickly hid the beers behind the couch. I had rolled to the door and answered it.
Ansonia, Ohio had been a small town with 2 cop cars and 2 cops and 1 Police Chief and the occasional Trooper or Sheriff that was passing through would answer the call. Fortunately for me one of the town cops answered the call. (The State Troopers were the worst but I will tell you about my experience with them later.)
The first words that came out of his mouth were in the form of a command. He had demanded that I get the cat and show it to him. He stayed standing in the hall and I could see that the couple had their front door open a crack. Hope it was nice and entertaining for them.
My friend handed me the cat and I held it while the officer quickly looked the cat over. Then he had pulled out a clipboard that must have been under his arm, He had told me that the way the cat looked was not what he expected to see when he had gotten there as the cat was purring and was not in a panic . (When he had first gotten what ever call they announced over the police band, he had probably thought that we were Satan worshippers or something and maybe we were drinking the cats blood. When he had knocked on the door maybe he thought that I would answer the door without a shirt on and have weird symbols drawn on my chest with cat blood. The cat would be laying limply in my arms and her head would be swinging loosely in response to every movement that I made with my upper body. We would have a circle drawn out on the floor and there would be lit candles all around the room. Of course I would be speaking to him in tongues and HANSON would be blaring on the stereo, mmm bop fucking neighbors. )
He told me that he had to write me a warning and it would be considered Animal Cruelty if they had been called out to respond to anything like that again and I would be charged, have a fine and may lose the animal. He had suggested that I take the animal to the vet the next time that I wanted to get her fur trimmed.
The warning has since then expired an has been taken off my record. I have 1 cat now but when I find a hair on a plate or something, I get the urge......... But my cat shaving days are over.