She had stayed on the floor above in the dorm and she had hung around a few other girls that my friends and I hung around with. She had shared a room with one of those girls and she had also known Tonya. One of the guy's that had been a friend of mine had warned me about her when she had began to hang out inmy dorm room all that time uninvited.. I remember coming back from a class and found her in my dorm room on my bed and she had been folding up my clean clothes from the night before when I had done my laundry. The girl had been a sweet person, one that would make a guy feel guilty by hurting her feeling's by asking her to leave. The bitch of it had been that when the girl that I had liked came by she had always not bothered saying anything to me when ever she had came by my door, when I had someone in the room with me. I HAD ALWAYS KEPT MY DOOR OPEN EVER SINCE THE DEPARTURE OF MY SMELLY ROOM MATE, IT HAD BEEN EMBARRASSING FOR PEOPLE THAT SMELLED THE ODOR BECAUSE I HAD BEEN AFRAID THAT THEY WOULD BLAME IT ON ME. I HAD NOT BEEN ADDICTED TO WARCRAFT LIKE HE AND I HAD WASHED MY ASS EVERY DAY, HE HAD NEVER LIKED TO GET OFF OF HIS COMPUTER BATHE The girl had spent more and more time in my room and it had gotten to the point where I had always closed my door. One day I had decided that by keeping a sleeping bag on my mattress would allow me to avoid having to load my BATMAN sheets into a shopping cart that I had "borrowed" from a store near by, to take the sheets down to the basement containing the washers and dryers hoping that no one would spot my sheets. I HAD GOTTEN TIRED OF HAVING TO SPEEDILY THROW MY SHEETS IN A MACHINE NOT WANTING ANYONE TO KNOW THAT I HAD SLEPT ON SUCH IMMATURITY. The girl had offered to help me break in the sleeping bag and I did not know what to say to her besides,"I DID NOT HAVE THE TIME BECAUSE I HAD TO GO AND STUDY." I WISH THAT I HAD A TIME MACHINE SO THAT I COULD GO BACK TO ALL THE TIMES THAT I HAD REFUSED IT WITH KNOWLEDGE OF KNOWING THAT MY BODY COULD DO THE JOB, I WISH I HAD NOT WAITED SO LONG TO LOSE MY VIRGINITY! My friends and I had went to the strip-club often and we also spend time in the Oregon district at a Adult Video Store. One day in the store I had seen a Dildo that I had bought for the girl as I had no interest in her, but I wanted to be her friend. I SHOULD HAVE PUT MORE THOUGHT INTO WHAT I HAD BEEN DOING AND TRIED TO SEE HOW IT MAY HAVE EFFECTED HER BUT, I HAD NOT AND WRITE IT OFF AS ONE OF THE MANY STUPID THINGS I HAD DONE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. I had got back to the Dorm and I laid the Dildo on her bed, and a few hours later she had opened my door, she had been very angry and threw the Dildo at my head. I had went up to the girl's floor and asked every girl on the floor if they had wanted the toy because it had cost me $15.00 bucks, finally a girl told me that she would hold on to it. THE GIRL HAD STAYED MAD AT ME AND WE HAVE NEVER SPOKE AGAIN.
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