My first memory of that girl had been during my first day of 4th grade at my new school in Vandalia. We had been on recess and she had approached me and had told me that she had just moved there with her mom from Kentucky and it had occured to me that she had known that I had been new to the school and the city of Vandalia as well. She had began to talk to me every day and I had soon learned that she had lived on the same road as me and her house had not been that far from the apartment. REWIND JUST A LITTLE- I had my first male teacher that year and after the first day of school, he had walked me home because he had also lived on the same street as I. My mom had been pissed when we had arrived at the apartment that we had moved to. Now that I am older, I would be pissed off as well if a man had shown up infront of me holding my son's hand when that man had clearly not been straight. Myt mom had taken me aside after he had left and she had told me about homosexuality, I could not believe that a man would do that to another man. IF YOU ARE GAY I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, JUST REMEMBER I HAD ONLY BEEN AROUND 10 DURING THAT TIME. Drea had began to walk home with me every day after that first one as I was unable to look my teacher in the eye for a time after my mom had filled me in. It had all started to fall into place and my little 10 year old brain. After I had known what I had known about the guy, I had never been one of the boys in the class that would rubb his back for a gold star and that had meant that I would never get a doughnut at the end of the week. Drea had immediatly becam my best friend as it had been hard for me to fit in with the rest of the guys in my class, she had seemed to know more about my body than I had and she had offered to do things with me that I had not even thouhgt about. She had began to hang out at the apartment with me often because she had problems getting along with her mom's new husband. My mom had soon bgan to like Drea and she had even accepted her as a daughter type untill something had happened in the early 2000's, I had not been anywhere around Ohio during that point. As I am older now and re-calling the events for my BIO, Drea had been there for me untill the end of 2004 when I had moved to Florida. During the years since I had met her, I had occasionally dealt with having stronger feeling for her and wanting more from her than that of a sister roll. REMEMBER THAT THE 2 OF US HAD NOT BEEN BROTHER AND SISTER BY BIRTH, DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A CASE OF BROTHER AND SISTER FROM KENTUCKY HAVING FEELING FOR EACH OTHER LOL. I had never told her about the urges and wants that I had for her sometimes and the only way that she will ever know,is if she were ever to read this post. In Vandalia,the elementary school had only gone to the 4th grade level which had made us the oldest stundents in the building. I remember how I had Sex-Ed. In the 4th grade and I had not quite understood what I had been told properly, I had thought that I had seeds in my head which must have meant that I could get a girl pregnant by sneezing on her. I can also remember how happy I had felt during that summer because I had found a hair growing under my arm, I had gone through the apartment yelling that I had been going through poverty as I had called it and not puberity. 

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