I remember when I had been younger and had wanted to be either a policeman or a soldier, I had always injoyed playing or with my friends and at the time those two jobs had seemed the most exciting to me. My family had all served in a branch of the military and my mom had even met my dad while she her self had been in the Air Force. As I had gotten older I had never taken in consideration the fact that my bones would ever hinder me, I had wanted to be a fighter pilot and did not think that I would even have to worry about breaking my bones unless I had to bail out of my jet. I had known that I could never be a cop as it had been to physical for who I had to deal with. My little sister and I had always talked about how great it would be when we were older because the two of us had planed on helping people. WHEN I HAD BEEN ALMOST OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL I HAD REALIZED ALONG THE WAY, AS A RESULTE OF HAVING HEALTH PROBLEMS I WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BECOME A FIGHTER PILOT AND HAD TO LET GO OF THAT CRAZY CHILDHOOD DREAM. THE DREAM HAD BEEN RE-LITE WHEN I HAD BEEN AT LUNCH AT MILTON HIGH . . . Everyone had been required to take a written test that had been given to test our judgement under certain situation and I had scored pretty well and when they had came to speak to me, they had seen the wheelchair and had walked away quicker than a very horny and popular chick. When I had brought in the mail I always had received numerous adds and brochures from the armed services wanting me to have joined up. It had struck me as weired how they had kept mailing me thing even though I had been in a wheelchair, I know that they are busy trying to keep America safe but damn. Every time that I had seen a letter addressed to me from one of those branches I had gotten a little excited because I had always wanted to do something heroic in my lifetime, even though at that time I had been thinking that I only had a few years left to live based on what the doctors had been telling me. Even as I have gotten older I still want to protect people and I would jump in front of a bullet to save either a female or a child's life. Maybe it is not just because I am weak or tired of the pain, maybe that is just who I am as an individual. Now I have got to be me and say that if the bitch did me wrong that she is on her own. BUT ANY WAY- I remember when I had been a junior at Milton Union High School and guy's from the Navy, Army as well as Marines had came to the school and set up tables covered up with brochures. Some of the guy's that were in uniform had walked around the cafeteria while we had all been having lunch and one day I had rolled up to a pair of them, I had asked if they new of anyone if that had served for them in a wheelchair. I remember how one of the Marines had looked at me as if I had been waisting his time or talking about his mom, I had immediately told him that I had been serious with mt question before adding that I had met no disrespect. the other Marine had walked away and the Marine that I had been talking with had taken a knee in front of me which had been great because the guy had been over 6 feet tall, I had shared with him my views on how messed up the system had been that had made it a rule that you have to be totally healthy to be sent off to be badly injured. I had went on to tell him that I had realized other soldiers might risk their lives trying to watch out for the guy that has disabilities but, as a guy that had realized that he had not been invisible and had always dealt with being disabled due to a broken bone... I would think that the disabled soldier would have already made it clear that he had not wanted anyone to make sure that he had been safe because, the guy would have already decided that he not wanted any of his brothers and sisters to die looking out for him. Maybe the guy had a death wish because by going on the battle field had meant that he had been playing the odds because he had probably known that he had the lowest chance of surviving compared to the person sitting next to him. Maybe I am just talking shit but we well never know because handicap's can not serve and esp. with me, it is not about fighting for or serving the Politicians because I have had a long time to see just how much those greedy bastards feel about the disabled. I am for the comradery and the brotherhood that exists among all soldiers, I did not share any of the thoughts above with the Marine as it would be fair of me to write that I had not felt that way completely during that point in my life. The Marine told me that if I had found a way to make it through the Obstacle Course then he had been sure that they would take me, he had followed up his statement with a little chuckle as he had stood up. I had asked him if
I had gotten a gun because I had known that the conversation had been over. I had known that there had been no chance in Hell that I would be allowed to join up with the Air Force but when I had turned 18, my mom had been trying to get my college set up and the state would not help me until I had went and signed a document for something that had to do with the Military.

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