I had hated that school and the people that worked at it and gone to it as it had been nothing like the school in Lewis-burg. I had not fit in at that school at all and I had been trying to deal with changes in my body that had nothing to do with the small problems of puberty, my body had been screwing up and had not been allowing me to be able to do what I had been able to do years before. My walking had became a major problem because it had been given me more issues and I had feared that it had became more obvious to the students that had been around me. At that age it had really mattered to me what the other students had thought about me even though I had hated them, I had still wanted those other young people to think that I had been a somewhat normal dude. That year had also been hard on me because the doctors had decided that I had to wear larger leg braces that had came up to just below my knee caps, I had felt really bad because some of the other students had teased me by calling me FOREST GUMP. I had tried to keep them covered but, the braces had still left big bulges that could be seen through any pants that I had worn. Every time that I had been teased about the braces I had just purposely gotten myself sent to the office where I had known the principal would give me another In-School Suspension. I had really gotten to like the teacher that had been in the suspension room, the students in there had always been cool to be around. I had tried to get my mom to not make me wear the braces but she had told me that I had needed to wear them if I had wanted to be able to walk. I had been getting myself suspended during the two years that I had been at that school and I think that the principal had gotten tired of dealing with me over the same stupid shit, I had never done anything to either hurt anyone or get myself thrown out of school. A new school guidance counselor had started working for the school when I had been in the 8th grade and I had soon been sent to him rather than the principal when I had disrupted class with my antics. The counselor had been in the Military so he and my mom had gotten along rather well as she had been in the AIR FORCE until I had been born. I had began to see him often and he had taught me how to play Chess to help calm my nerves to deal with every thing on my plate. Mr. Lawson had then began to hang out with me on occasions after school and he would take me to the movies or to get ice-cream, it had been nice to have another guy to hang out with and to talk about guy shit. I would see him all the way up to 2000 and I had heard that he had gotten married. HEY bill, if you ever read this post just know that I appreciate all that you had done for me . 

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