The special wish foundation had soon informed me that I had been chosen to receive a wish from them and I had originally wanted a big screen television but my mom had told me that the three of us should do something as a family. So I had chosen to go to DISNEY WORLD and my mom had chosen for us to go during the Christmas time of 1993, the Dayton Airport had been packed with people who were going somewhere for the holidays. My mom had been blown away by how crowded the airport had been, if I had been in her shoes it would have been obvious to me not to go anywhere during the holidays. What did I know about anything at that age, I remember seeing HOME ALONE and I had seen how packed that airport had been around Christmas time. My sister and I had kept each other entertained by taking turns on a few electronic hand-held games that I had brought for use on the airplane, that had been my first time on a airplane that I could remember. I am not going to mention the name of the company that we had flown with but, we had been put on an airplane that had propellers on it on the wings and the bathroom had been broken so we had to smell shit all the way to our first connection flight. My mom had not been in a very good mood because the three of us had not even been sitting together, someone had told me that the airline should have retired the plane that we had been flying on. The only problem that I can remember about that flight had been when either a duck or bird had flown into one of the propellers, I had not seen it because it had happened on the other side of the plane but I had been thrilled to have a window-seat. The best part of flying to me has to be take-off and being thrown back into the seat after the plane has began acceleration. We had one lay over both to and from Dayton and I have to say that gummi worms are expensive when you buy them at an airport. We had arrived at the Orlando Airport and my mom had spent a bit of time trying to rent a car, I guess that there might have been a problem in locating the type of car that we were supposed to have. By the time that we had finally left the airport we all had been tried and my mom had trouble locating where we had been staying, the place we had been looking for had been out in the middle of nowhere. As if to top that we had gotten there and were walking in, we had noticed all of the warning signs that had been posted in the yard about snakes. I remember how I had seen all the dead armadillos on the side of the road, I had never seen one and I had been in awe because I had also never seen palm trees. That night I had eaten all of the butter cookies that had been in the Welcome Basket and I can also remember how angry my mom had gotten when she had seen that there had only been a few outlets in the place. It had been a rather nice two bedroom cottage but as my mom had pointed out, the place should have had more electrical outlets. The plan had been to head out early the next morning and head to SEA WORLD, Florida had been going thought unusually cold weather during that whole week and my mom had packed us rather warm clothing so all three of us had not been that comfortable during that first day out. My mom had taken us by a Walmart to get some long sleeve shirts and pants, then the three of us had gone to DISNEY WORLD. My mom had rented me a wheelchair for use in the park so that my legs would not tire out, the place had been packed and none of the people had seemed to have any manners as many had just stepped over me and on me even though I had been in a wheelchair. Many of the people had said in perfect english that they could not speak english when my mom had yelled at them, she had finally gotten pissed and told me to hold my legs up as she had soon began to plow over anyone that had stepped rudely in front of me. When you are in a wheelchair you get to ride most things without having to wait in a long line,of all the parks I can say that UNIVERSAL was my favorite park. The way we had done it was going to a different park each day and on our last day we had gone back to UNIVERSAL, my favorite Ride had been the E.T ride because even waiting in the line had been awesome as you had felt like you were standing in the woods. I had really enjoyed the shows and had gotten to see some cool props like KIT the car from KNIGHT RIDER, I had liked that park at night because of the large parade and the fire works that had been set off when it had gotten dark. The only bad thing had been how much the drinks had cost out of the vending machines, we had ordered lunch one day at one of the parks as we had normally gotten lunch before we had arrived. My little sister had just taken a bite out of her $4.00 hamburger when a giant seagull had decided to shit on her, I will never forget that experience. My mom had bought us some of those dorky hats with mouse ears on them and I had kept that hat until some time around 2007, the 3 of us had gotten along better during those earlier years until around 2000. Our flight home had been no better that our flight to Orlando. My mom had called the Special Wish Foundation and complained about the accommodation's of our trip, I had then been allowed to get my big screen TV.

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