Fourth grade had almost been over and there had been only a week or so remaining when Nick had asked me for a favor. Nick had been a cool guy that had seemed to get into trouble nearly as much as I had but unlike me, he had gotten into a lot of fights and he was always in trouble for using bad language. I had been goofing off in class and always trying to make people laugh, I guess that you can say that I had been the class clown. I had found out that year that I had been different from the other kids as I had always suspected, and that year it had became more obvious to me because I had been falling down a lot more than I normally had in Springfield. I had overheard the doctor and my mom talking about my condition and I had thought that I had figured out with my ten year old little brain, I should have been out enjoying my life rather than wasting time going to school. I did not have very many friends at that school and I had thought it to be cool that Nick had wanted a favor from me, he had swiped a Game Boy from someone and he had figured that the teachers would check his backpack first and they would never suspect me. Nick had been right and for one reason or another, I did not see him for the rest of the day as he was supposed to meet me after school to get the Game Boy. I had been excited to play it because I had always wanted one but my mom had told me that it had been to expensive and my mom had walked in and caught me playing it. She had demanded to know where I had gotten it but I had not told her, she had whipped me with the belt ands I had still had not told her. The damn kid had his name written on the back of the Game Boy but, my mom had not bothered to tell me that information until she had shot out my light right after both whipping me and sending me to bed. The next day we had went over to my Grandma's house, my Grandma had really been my Great-Aunt but I had always referred to her as my Grandma. The two of them had continued to yell at me about being a thief and wanted me to tell them how the boy had been that had owned the Game Boy, the boy had been in my class but I had not wanted to get Nick into trouble. I remember there had been a knock on the door and after my grandma had answered, there had been a cop standing in the living room and I had stared down at the shag carpet while my mom had explained to the cop that I had stolen from some kid. The cop had asked me if it had been true and when I had nodded my head he had demanded that I look at him, he had re-asked me the question and when I had nodded my head to him he had demanded that I stand up. I had gotten off of the couch with trembling knees and the cop had made me turn around while he had cuffed me before he had led me out front and helped me into the back seat of his cop car. I had only been 10 and the cuffs had barely fit my small wrists and my grandma had been standing in her front yard crying her eyes out as the cop car had pulled away. It had been very uncomfortable sitting with my hands behind my back so, I had slipped off the cuffs and had not said anything until we had pulled up at the station. The cop had been pissed when he had open the car door and I had handed him the cuffs, I did not see why he was so angry because it had not been like I was going to escape. I had stood there by the car and waited for the cop to put his precious cuffs back on me but he had instead grabbed my right shoulder firmly and then had led me into the station. I had never been in a Police Station before now and I can say that, the inside this one had not been as exciting as the ones I had seen on the television. I had been expecting to have been taken into an Interrogation but almost to my disappointment, I had been taken into a regular office by the cop that had brought me into the station. He had given me a lecture about taken things that did not belong to me, then he had went off on another lecture about going down the wrong path if I did not change my ways. This had been the only time up to that age where I had helped someone take something that had not belong to me, I had been thinking that the man had been mis-informed about me. So, I had made the mistake of arguing with him and his face as well as his neck had immediately gone red and not the red that would hint embarrassment. He had began to threaten to have charges pressed against me that could lead to having to spend time in jail, I had immediately told him that I had been a minor witch had meant that I had not been old enough to go to jail. The last thing that I had said to him was that I had known my rights, he had gotten up out of his chair and walked out of the room making sure to slam the door behind him. He had been calmer when he had came back into the room and had told me that he had called my mom to come and pick me up, I remember noticing that he had the GAME BOY on his desk and when I had looked at it I had not wanted one any more. The things that had scared me the most about the whole ordeal had been the fact that the cop had told me that he was going to return the GAME BOY back to Ryan as I had figured that my name would be mentioned as the boy that had taken it. I had not wanted to have to face him back at school. My mom had been pissed at me for making the cop so angry and I had to go to bed when we had gotten home. Ryan had not spoken or even looked in my direction but a few times when he had been giving me a dirty look, Nick had gotten into trouble or something and I had not seen him the last few days of that school year. I HAD FOUND OUT YEARS LATER THAT MY MOM HAD GONE TO SCHOOL WITH THAT COP THAT I HAD MADE SO RED. I ofcourse had not stolen anything else until 2003 and that had been food because I had been starving. The whole ordeal of having to go to the Police Station had not effected me to badly because I had always wanted to be a good guy rather than a bad one, I had been just trying to make friends with a cool guy.